
Hello, Im Liria. Four Month ago Im start learning English. Im Learning alone, Im read so many book or articel in English. I feel my ability about English is incrase. I always effort to improve my self about English. I see some people very fluent to speak English, and I want to that. That is awesome, if I hear my friend speak in English, actually she is Indonesian. How to learn English fluently?  I dont now about some tips. But I believe, if I learn English everyday and continue, I can speak English fluent and good.
At my office, I have co-worker He is Indian, and he can speak Indian and English. Actually we are Indonesian except him. If he want to talk something to our, he speaks English. Than if I want to talk something to him, I mix a language. hehehe
Im beginer in English, but Im learning on. Im sorry, I write very bad.

Pasar Usang, 27 April 2017


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